
Posts Tagged ‘nokia’

Mehr Beat geht nicht

Mehr Beat geht nicht
Mehr als 1200 Partygänger machten bei der Nokia Loft Beat Party in Köln die Nacht zum Tag

Ratingen, 30. März 2009 – Nach der Auftaktveranstaltung der Nokia Loft Beat-Reihe in Hamburg, war die Messlatte für Köln hoch gehängt. Doch die Bewohner der Rheinmetropole machten ihrem Ruf eine der feierfreudigsten Städte zu sein alle Ehre. Über 1200 tanzwütige Gäste nahmen am Samstag die Lofts der alten Fabrikhallen der Carlswerke in Beschlag und verbreiteten von Beginn an Partystimmung.

Wie zu Hause fühlten sich nicht nur die Tanzfreudigen unter den Geladenen, auch die Gamer kamen auf ihre Kosten. Während so mancher seine Freundin getrost zu den Beats von Digitalism, Plastic Inc und Lady Klick Klack auf die Tanzfläche im Wohnzimmer schickte, richtete sich der überwiegend männliche Teil der Spieler im N-Gage Zimmer häuslich ein. Schließlich kommt man nicht alle Tage dazu, mit seinen Kumpels zu zocken und dabei kleine Snacks gereicht zu bekommen.

Für alle, die mit dem gewählten Outfit noch nicht restlos zufrieden waren, war der Schmink- und Styling-Bereich das absolute Highlight. Ein professionelles Team von Make-up Experten sorgte dafür, dass auch nach dem heißesten Einsatz vor der Bühne die Frisur sitzt und nichts glänzt, außer den strahlenden Augen.

Glänzende Augen bekamen auch alle, denen das Thema „Musik” am Herzen liegt. Neben den Live-Acts hatten sie am Samstag zusätzlich Gelegenheit als eine der ersten einen Blick auf den neuen Comes With Music Dienst von Nokia zu werfen und ihre verstaubten Mix-Tapes gegen Gutscheine für den Nokia Music Store einzutauschen. Das im Frühjahr startende Nokia Comes With Music Angebot ermöglicht Käufern eines Nokia Comes With Music Gerätes ein Jahr lang unbegrenzte Downloads aus dem gesamten Nokia Music Store Katalog. Aus dem Angebot von über 5 Millionen Songs internationaler und lokaler Interpreten konnten sich die Gäste ihre ganz persönliche Loft Beat Playlist zusammenstellen. Mit den Ohren voll Musik hatten ausgewählte Gewinner am Ende der Party als krönenden Abschluss zudem das Glück mit dem Comes With Music Limousinen Service nach Hause chauffiert zu werden.

Für alle, die auch am Ende der Party nicht genug von dem Sound von Digitalism bekommen können, stellt Nokia im Music Store ab sofort den Track „Idealistic” zum freien Download zur Verfügung. Der direkte Link findet sich unter http://www.loft-beat.de. The Beat goes on…


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Mehr Freiheit für mobile E-Mail: Das Nokia E75 ist da!

Das Nokia E75 vereint alle Attribute für geschäftliche und private E-Maildienste auf dem Mobiltelefon und ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich.

Ratingen, 14. April 2009 – Das Nokia E75 ist das erste Gerät, das mit der neuen E-Benutzeroberfläche von Nokia in den Handel kommt. Ausgestattet mit dem Dienst Nokia Messaging und Mail for Exchange erlaubt das Nokia E75 sowohl den Zugriff und die Synchronisation mit Firmenkonten, als auch auf private Webkonten. Von Nokia Messaging unterstützt werden fast alle Webkonten, darunter Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo! und Google Mail. Der mobilen Nutzung privater Mails auch von unterwegs steht nichts mehr im Wege, da diese nun auch von dem automatischen E-Mail Empfang (Push-Technologie) profitieren.

Das Nokia E75 wartet mit der gewohnt hochwertigen Qualität der Nokia Eseries auf und bietet eine aufschiebbare, vollständige QWERTZ Tastatur. Trotz der anspruchsvollen Ausstattung wurde bei der Einrichtung der E-Mail-Konten auf Einfachheit und Effizienz gesetzt. Dank der Unterstützung fast aller Webkonten und Firmenkonten wie Mail for Exchange und IBM Lotus Notes Traveler haben die Nutzer direkten Zugang zu mehr als 90 Prozent der Firmen-Mailkonten weltweit.

Genauso unkompliziert und intuitiv wie die Einrichtung ist auch das Nutzererlebnis, welches fast alle Möglichkeiten der Desktop-Ansicht bietet. Dazu gehören die Organisation von Ordnern und Unterordnern, die Unterstützung von HTML-Mails genauso wie erweiterte E-Mail Funktionen und Informationsmanagement wie das Einrichten und Beantworten von Terminen und Kontakt-Suche.

Das Nokia E75 bietet außerdem Zugang zu den verschiedenen Ovi Diensten und ist mit Ovi Files, zur Speicherung von Dateien und Nokia Maps ausgestattet. Außerdem ist mit N-Gage zum ersten Mal der Spieledienst von Nokia auf einem Gerät der Eseries vorinstalliert.

Das Nokia E75 ist ab sofort zum Preis von 469 Euro inklusive Steuern im Handel verfügbar.
Weitere Informationen über alle Funktionen des Nokia E75 finden Sie unter: http://www.nokia.de/A41485633
Die technischen Daten finden Sie unter: http://www.nokia.de/e75/technischedaten

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Nokia verstärkt E-Mail Aktivitäten

Nokia Messaging jetzt auch mit Hotmail
Vodafone unterstützt Nokia Mail for Exchange für Geschäftskunden

Ratingen, 07.04.2009 – Mit der Bereitstellung und Vorinstallation von Nokia Mail for Exchange und Nokia Messaging 1.1 verstärkt Nokia seine Aktivitäten im Bereich mobiler E-Mail-Dienste. Dabei berücksichtigt Nokia sowohl die Ansprüche und Wünsche von Geschäftskunden, als auch die von privaten Nutzern. Mit Nokia Messaging können Endkunden Mails von bis zu 10 E-Mail-Accounts, wie Yahoo! oder Hotmail auf dem Mobiltelefon empfangen, beantworten, weiterleiten, löschen oder erstellen. Nokia Messaging unterstützt nicht nur alle gängigen E-Maildienste mit POP- oder IMAP-Konten, sondern ermöglicht auch die Verwaltung der jeweiligen Ordner oder eine gemeinsame Ansicht. Neu bei Nokia Messaging 1.1 ist die Ansicht von E-Mails im HTML-Format, die erweiterte Anzahl an verfügbaren Geräten und die Wahl zwischen 23 verschiedenen Sprachen. So ist es kein Problem, von unterwegs noch schnell die Mail mit Adresse, Wegbeschreibung und allen wichtigen Informationen für die Party am Abend an alle Freunde zu schicken oder einfach gleich ein Foto vom Treffpunkt im Mailanhang zu versenden. Während der Testphase ist Nokia Messaging 1.1 kostenlos, je nach Tarif können Kosten für die Datenübertragung anfallen. Unterstützte Geräte: E51, E61, E65, E66, E71, E90, E73, E75, E78, E79, N82, N85, N95, N95 8GB, N96.

Geschäftlich unterwegs: Nokia Mail for Exchange jetzt auch für Vodafone Kunden
Ab sofort steht der Nokia Mail for Exchange Service auch Vodafone Kunden zur Verfügung. Geschäftskunden mit Vodafone Datentarifen können von nun an problemlos auf das breite Portfolio von Nokia Business-Geräten zugreifen und Dienste wie Nokia Mail for Exchange nutzen. Mail for Exchange ermöglicht das problemlose Abrufen von E-Mails – ganz ohne zusätzliche Soft- oder Hardware. Gleichzeitig profitieren die Anwender von der bekannten und leicht bedienbaren E-mail-Oberfläche und der breiten Palette von unterstützten Geräten aus der E- und N-Series.

Für Anwender und Unternehmen bedeutet diese Entwicklung mehr Freiheit in der Auswahl der E-Mail-Software bei gleichzeitiger Kostenersparnis durch das Wegfallen der Bereitstellung von zusätzlicher Infrastruktur. Die von Nokia entwickelte Zusatzsoftware erlaubt die Synchronisation von E-Mails, Terminen, Kontakten und Aufgaben zwischen dem Microsoft Exchange Server (ab Version 2003 SP2) und Nokia Mobiltelefonen. Das Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync-Protokoll ist mit verschiedenen Gerätetypen kompatibel. Besitzer von Nokia Geräten haben hier allerdings den Vorteil, dass ihnen zahlreiche zusätzliche Funktionen zur Verfügung stehen, die von anderen Geräten bislang nicht unterstützt werden. Dazu gehören unter anderem die Einrichtung von E-Mail-Prioritäten oder aktive Warnungen, wenn es im Kalender zu unbeabsichtigten Terminüberschneidungen kommen sollte. Die von Vodafone aktiv vertriebenen Nokia Geräte mit Mail for Exchange sind: E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E65, E66, E71, E90, N73, E75, N85, N95, N958GB, N96, 6124, 6210, 5800 XpressMusic.

Nokia E75 vereint beide E-Mail Services
Mit einer vollständigen QWERTZ-Tastatur zum Aufschieben ausgestattet, erlaubt das Nokia E75 die optimale Nutzung mobiler E-Mail-Funktionen. Dabei ist die Darstellung der E-Mails ebenso übersichtlich wie auf dem eigenen PC. Highspeed-Internetverbindungen, flexible Mitteilungs- und umfassende Organizer-Funktionen schaffen eine effiziente Arbeitsumgebung und machen das neue Gerät zum wahren Messaging Talent. Sowohl Nokia Mail for Exchange als auch Nokia Messaging sind auf dem Nokia E75 vorinstalliert. So können die Nutzer gleich nach dem Einschalten beginnen, ihre Firmen- oder Webkonten zu installieren. Egal ob die Mail mit der Einladung zu Abendessen oder mit der Information über die Verschiebung eines wichtigen Geschäftstermins. Von nun an muss auch von unterwegs aus auf keine von beiden Informationen verzichtet werden. Ohne lästiges Suchen, kommen die Nachrichten per Push-Mail ganz von alleine. Nur antworten muss der Nutzer noch selbst.

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Nokia Messaging, now available with Windows(TM) Live Hotmail®

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will enable the Nokia Messaging push email service in May

Espoo, Finland – Windows(TM) Live Hotmail®, one of the world’s most popular web-based email solutions, is now available on Nokia Messaging, the service that enables people to access their personal email on their Nokia devices*. In May, Nokia Messaging will also be supported by the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia’s first mass-market touchscreen device, adding to the tens of millions of popular Nokia devices in the hands of consumers that already support the service.

Nokia Messaging is currently free to download and set-up, and supports the world’s most popular email accounts – Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, AOL Mail – and accounts from thousands of other email providers. Easy to use, it enables access of up to 10 personal email accounts on a Nokia device, and through one single icon. Once Nokia Messaging is set-up, email accounts can be added to the service directly on the phone, as well as via the Nokia Messaging website (http://email.nokia.com).

With the addition of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia Messaging will be available on 20 different device models worldwide, including the recently announced Nokia E75 which is the first device to come preloaded with Nokia Messaging, Nokia E71 – the world’s slimmest qwerty device, Nokia E63, Nokia E66 and Nokia N79**. More Nokia device models, including the Nokia E55, Nokia N97 and Nokia N86 8MP, will support Nokia Messaging when they begin shipping.

„We’ve come to understand that a key barrier for mass email adoption is not the lack of features, but the usability. Nokia Messaging was designed for ease of use and mobility. While offering people a full feature set, Nokia Messaging still minimizes user actions and simplifies the complex, such as eliminating the need to know technical information. This reduces confusion and the amount of time taken to set up and start using the service on the phone. By prioritizing common actions and needs, we bring the most relevant and frequently used actions upfront,” said Atif Hussein, Vice President, Products, Nokia Messaging. „With Nokia Messaging on the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, we bring the service to people no matter what their input preference – touch, qwerty or monoblock.”

* To begin using Windows Live Hotmail, existing users will have to download the latest Nokia Messaging software. Instructions can be found at http://email.nokia.com.

** To see the full list of devices that support Nokia Messaging, visit http://email.nokia.com.

About Nokia
Nokia is the world’s number one manufacturer of mobile devices by market share and a leader in the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of devices for all major consumer segments and offer Internet services that enable people to experience music, maps, media, messaging and games. We also provide comprehensive digital map information through NAVTEQ and equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks.

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HEROES creator to launch new project through Nokia’s Ovi Store

More than just applications available through global media distribution channel

Thousands of content providers and developers sign up to Ovi Store by Nokia

San Francisco, CA, USA – As content providers and developers continue to sign up to publish content on the Ovi Store, Nokia has begun working with Tim Kring, creator and executive producer of HEROES, one of the most watched shows internationally, to develop innovative, new content for the Ovi Store. When it opens globally in May, the Ovi Store will offer consumers relevant, targeted media across a broad portfolio of Nokia devices.

For its maiden venture with Kring, Nokia has signed on as a strategic partner and technology enabler for a project created by Kring, Code named TEVA. The multi platform narrative will be an immersive experience with elements of individual action and group participation.

In recognizing the increasing importance of mobility, Kring will be utilizing Nokia’s Ovi Store as an initial channel to bring the project to an engaged audience while developing it across other mediums. Kring shares Nokia’s vision for connecting people through the experiences that matter to them. Nokia and Kring will launch the first mobile phase of the project in the Summer of ’09 and rolled out regionally.

„Tim Kring is a Hollywood visionary and masterful storyteller who truly understands that the reach of the Ovi Store is a powerful way for millions of people around the world to experience the new forms of entertainment he is seeking to create,” said Tero Ojanperä, executive vice president, Nokia Services. „The Ovi Store will rely on great content partners, a compelling, relevant consumer experience and access to millions of Nokia devices to become an important new entertainment distribution platform.”

Once open, the Ovi Store will be a scalable media distribution network unrivaled in size and opportunity, with advanced content targeting capabilities and monetization options that allow content providers and application developers to leverage the power of Nokia’s global scale in devices and services’ technology.

„The ability to extend storytelling past traditional audiences and reach millions of Nokia consumers through the Ovi Store is very exciting,” said Kring. „Mobile has reached a state of maturity where it is now a creative platform to tell, share and consume multi platform content and I intend to take full advantage of the infinite possiblities using technology and narrative.”

Ojanperä and Kring will take the stage at Web 2.0 in San Francisco on April 1 to talk with web and mobile application developers about what Ovi Store means for content providers as a distribution opportunity. In addition, Niklas Savander, executive vice president, Nokia Services, will address the entertainment industy at MIPTV in Cannes, France on April 1 to deliver additional details about the working relationship. Simultaneously, George Linardos, vice president, Nokia Services will attend CTIA in Las Vegas to speak with the wireless industry about Kring and the Ovi Store.

In early March, content providers, developers and the existing Forum Nokia developer ecosystem began uploading their content to publish.ovi.com to become the first to distribute their media through the Ovi Store. To date, thousands of content providers and developers from around the world have signed up with majority coming from the US, UK, China and India.

At Mobile World Congress, brands like EA, Facebook, Fox Mobile, Glu, MySpace and Qik all provided support for the Ovi Store announcement. Since then, additional top content providers including The Associated Press, Netflix, Paramount Pictures and Shazam to name a few will be supporting Ovi Store to reach millions of Nokia consumers.

In early May, tens of millions of existing Nokia Series 40 and S60 users will be capable of enjoying the new service. In addition, the Nokia N97, available globally in June, will be the first device to feature the simple and easy-to-use storefront.

As Nokia moves towards cross-platform frameworks across its device portfolio, mobile application developers will be able to take advantage of standard web technologies, like HTML, Java Script and CSS, plus advanced environments like Qt, to develop and deploy applications more quickly and create compelling experiences for consumers using Nokia devices.

In addition to providing developers a wide range of easy-to-use tools for the completion of mobile applications, Nokia offers developers the simplest way to distribute and monetize their content to millions of people around the world via the new Ovi Store.

About Nokia
Nokia is the world’s number one manufacturer of mobile devices by market share and a leader in the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of devices for all major consumer segments and offer Internet services that enable people to experience music, maps, media, messaging and games. We also provide comprehensive digital map information through NAVTEQ and equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks.

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Nokia introduces Nokia Point & Find, a new way to connect with information and services on the go

New platform enables businesses to engage with consumers in real time with relevant content

San Francisco, CA, USA – Nokia introduces an innovative service concept that enables people on the move to access relevant information and services on the internet, simply by pointing their mobile phone camera at real-life objects. A beta version of Nokia Point & Find, focusing on movies, is now available in the UK and US. Capabilities will later expand into other services and countries.

„With Nokia Point & Find, businesses are able to target engaging experiences and calls-to-action to consumers. We believe that this first Nokia Point & Find-based service for movies will add something special to the cinema experience. Simply by pointing their camera phone at a poster for a new movie, people can watch the trailer, read reviews, and find the closest cinema where it is playing,” said Philipp Schloter, General Manager, Nokia Point & Find.

Nokia Point & Find is an open service platform on which other companies can build innovative customized experiences to drive better engagement with potential customers. Nokia is inviting businesses, content providers and agencies to discuss how the Nokia Point & Find service could help them with specific applications, campaigns or promotional activities. Unique experiences can be created through the self-service Nokia Point & Find Management Portal, or by working with the Nokia Point & Find professional service team.

Businesses have already recognized the potential for Nokia Point & Find in their campaigns.

Casey Harwood, Senior Vice President, Digital Media at Turner Europe said: „Nokia Point & Find is an innovative new service which will enable users to point their camera phone at various Cartoon Network related objects and receive relevant show or product information direct to their handset. In an on-demand world, this technology represents an exciting development for both content providers and consumers.”

„BODY WORLDS appeals to adventurous and curious people of all ages. We see Nokia Point & Find as an intriguing new way for people to find out about BODY WORLDS & The Mirror of Time at the O2. By integrating this technology with our outdoor advertising in London we have created not just another special promotion, but also a chance to experiment with something quite innovative,” said Nicky Hewgill, Marketing Manager, BODY WORLDS London.

„The Nokia Point & Find service marries the digital world with the physical world in a way that actually has meaning for brands and consumers. Not only does it allow consumers to engage with brands in an innovative way but provides brands ‚point and purchase’ opportunities with an on-the-go audience,” said Julian Pate, Client Partner, AKQA.

Nokia Point & Find uses advanced real time image processing and recognition technologies to link the user to digital content and services. It also recognizes bar codes, integrates GPS positioning technology, and supports category-specific text-entry search. When the phone is pointed at an object, Nokia Point & Find uses a variety of the phone’s capabilities including the camera, internet connectivity, and GPS positioning to evaluate the object. Then, by rapidly searching through a database of virtually tagged items, the system identifies the object and returns a set of links to associated content and services.

Companies interested in using Nokia Point & Find for their own campaigns can visit http://pointandfind.nokia.com to request further information. Nokia Point & Find’s beta release is available for download into select mobile devices in the UK and US at http://pointandfind.nokia.com as well.

About Nokia
Nokia is the world’s number one manufacturer of mobile devices by market share and a leader in the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of devices for all major consumer segments and offer Internet services that enable people to experience music, maps, media, messaging and games. We also provide comprehensive digital map information through NAVTEQ and equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks.

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Discover, Share and Play: Mobile Services based on Social-Location take center stage with Nokia at Web 2.0

Ovi Store and Publishing System, Nokia Point & Find and Eco-Friendly solutions featured

San Francisco, CA, USA – Nokia today announced new content for Ovi Store, Nokia’s global media distribution channel, and additional services for mobile consumers. Available in May, Ovi Store will offer consumers relevant, targeted media across a broad portfolio of Nokia devices.

Strategic Partner, Tim Kring, HEROES
Nokia has begun working with Tim Kring, creator and executive producer of HEROES, one of the most watched shows internationally, to develop innovative, new content for the Ovi Store. Nokia has signed on as a strategic partner and technology enabler for a project created by Kring, Code named TEVA. The multi platform narrative will be an immersive experience with elements of individual action and group participation.

Mr Kring will be present with Tero Ojanperä, executive vice president, Nokia Services, when Ovi Store and its distribution opportunities will be presented to attendees at the „This Apps for You”, session on April 1, 9:40 am.

The Year of the Mobile Computer: Mobile Computers as Personal (Mobile) Computers
Presenting the premise that Social Location is key in making mobile computers truly personal for the user, Anssi Vanjoki, executive vice president, Nokia Markets, will take the stage during the morning keynote sessions on April 2.

Nokia Point & Find
Nokia introduces an innovative service concept that enables people on the move to access relevant information and services on the internet, simply by pointing their mobile phone camera at real-life objects. A beta version of Nokia Point & Find, focusing on movies, is now available in the UK and US. Capabilities will later expand into other services and countries. More information and download instructions can be found at http://pointandfind.nokia.com.

Ovi Creative Wall
Attendees are invited to join in at the Ovi Creative Wall. Based on the theme, „Your life. Connected”, the Ovi Creative Wall will be illustrated throughout the event, representing the interactivity and fast-changing nature of Web 2.0. Attendees can take part by suggesting themes and ideas to be illustrated on the wall by Stevie Gee, a professional illustrator. London-based, Stevie’s work has appeared on record covers and skateboard decks, in contemporary magazines, as well as being used by fashion labels such as Paul Smith.

Green Explorer – Helping People Make Sustainable Choices when Traveling
Nokia will be demonstrating Green Explorer, a new service that helps people make more sustainable travel decisions. Green Explorer is available via Nokia mobile device by simply downloading the widget or by going to http://www.greenexplorer.nokia.com. This service is currently in beta and will further develop over the coming months with additional content and features.

Green Explorer provides information on a range of travel issues including tips on the most sustainable methods of transport, eco-friendly places to visit, and a way to offset the CO2 emissions when one must fly. It is also a place for travellers to share advice on a range of issues from the best routes to where to find organic food or recommendations for the best eco-friendly hotels.

Throughout Web 2.0, attendees can follow Nokia’s activities at Web 2.0 via Nokia Conversations – http://conversations.nokia.com or on Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/nokconv.

More information about announcements made at Web 2.0 can be found at http://www.nokiausa.com/press.

About Nokia
Nokia is the world’s number one manufacturer of mobile devices by market share and a leader in the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of devices for all major consumer segments and offer Internet services that enable people to experience music, maps, media, messaging and games. We also provide comprehensive digital map information through NAVTEQ and equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks.

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Nokia proves phones can’t be too thin or too smart

Introducing the thinnest QWERTY smartphone – the Nokia E71x – with AT&T

Las Vegas, NV, USA – At CTIA Wireless 2009, Nokia (NYSE: NOK) announced it will deliver the thinnest QWERTY smartphone, the Nokia E71x, to consumers across the United States together with AT&T in the coming weeks.

Echoing the sleek design and feel of the world renowned Nokia E71, the Nokia E71x offers the ultimate QWERTY experience to messaging enthusiasts who want a device to complement their busy lifestyles – all in a thin, stylish package. Visit Nokia at CTIA Wireless 2009 in the Central Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center, booth #7553, where Nokia will show off the new Nokia E71x, and demonstrate mobile innovations that are redefining the way consumers communicate, access information, network socially with friends and search the Web.

„The E71x is a lean, mean multimedia machine for busy people who want Internet-on-the-go capabilities in the palm of their hands,” said Mark Louison, President, Nokia Inc. „Together with our carrier and industry partners in North America, Nokia continues to enhance the consumer mobile experience through a growing range of QWERTY music, messaging and feature rich devices.”

Sleek, stylish and smart – the Nokia E71x with AT&T
The black steel colored Nokia E71x, exclusive to AT&T, houses all the multimedia and messaging capabilities people have come to crave in a world-class smartphone, made even more enjoyable with a large, high-resolution screen and full QWERTY keyboard. The Nokia E71x makes it easier to stay in touch with friends, family and business contacts via social networking sites and corporate or personal emails, using Mail for Exchange or any of thousands of Internet service providers such as Gmail, Yahoo! mail and Hotmail.

With its sleek form factor and well designed user interface, the Nokia E71x provides a compelling portfolio addition for both Nokia and AT&T,”said Will Stofega, Program Manager for IDC’S Mobile Device Technology and Trends Research. „U.S. consumers will now have access to one of the most stylish QWERTY smartphones in the industry that allows users to easily message and connect with their friends and access email.”

The thinnest QWERTY smartphone on the market, the Nokia E71x, has high-speed 3G connectivity, WiFi, and features a built-in music player and a 3.2 megapixel auto-focus camera to connect people to their passions – be it messaging, social networking, listening to music or taking and sharing images.

„We are excited to introduce the sleek Nokia E71x into the hands of messaging, social networking and email fans across the United States,” said David Petts, Vice President and GM, AT&T Account for Nokia. „The Nokia E71x is building on the success of an award-winning smartphone design, which we are thrilled to bring to an even broader audience across the United States with AT&T.”

The device’s S60 platform enables users to truly personalize their mobile experience, providing access to third-party application downloads, themes and profile settings, in addition to popular AT&T services, like AT&T Navigator. Keep tabs on your workload and view your documents with support for Quickoffice.

Nokia 1661 with T-Mobile USA
The Nokia 1661 with T-Mobile USA is an economically priced utility device that makes it easy to stay connected when consumers are away from home – with a built in speakerphone, FM radio and flashlight. The speakerphone allows consumers the ability to multitask and ensure they get the most out of their day. With the built-in flashlight, consumers won’t be left in the dark again as the Nokia 1661 easily lights the way. This prepaid device also comes preloaded with games like Sudoku or Mobile Soccer, ready to play out of the box.

Nokia Accessories
Nokia is also debuting the Nokia Bluetooth Headset BH-216 and Nokia Speakerphone HF-510 at the show. The Nokia Bluetooth Headset BH-216 is a comfortable headset with a curved form factor that enables handsfree calls in even the noisiest of environments. Talk on the go with the Nokia Speakerphone HF-510, an in-vehicle suction cup speaker phone, featuring high quality handsfree with echo and noise reduction (integrated DSP).

Mobile Content Reigns
At CTIA Wireless 2009, some of the most recognized mobile developers in the industry will be demonstrating their new S60 on Symbian OS(TM) applications. The following applications from Kinoma, TuneWiki and midomi mobile are among those who will also be available on the Ovi Store at launch in May 2009:
– Kinoma Player from Kinoma is a mobile media browser that enables consumers to discover, search and play media on their phone
– TuneWiki is an application that has the ability to synchronize lyrics to the music consumers play on their mobile phones
– midomi mobile enables the ultimate music search experience, which features search by singing or humming, playing original music sources (like radio), or saying artist or song names

At CTIA Wireless the company will also showcase the industry’s broadest and most exciting global mobile device portfolio in the industry. Devices on-hand will include the newly announced Nokia E71x with AT&T, the recently announced Nokia 7205 Intrigue with Verizon, the wildly popular Nokia N97 and a host of other device offerings. Attendees will also have an opportunity to learn about our environmentally friendly initiatives, and experience mobile innovations that will change the way people communicate, play, share, search and consume content.

For more information about all of Nokia’s announcements at CTIA Wireless 2009, please visit http://www.nokiausa.com/ctia.

Product Availability:
The Nokia E71x is expected to be available in the coming weeks in AT&T stores and online at http://www.wireless.att.com at a retail price of 99.99 USD with an AT&T contract*. Additional information can be found at http://www.att.com/nokiaE71x.

The Nokia 1661 will be available later this month in select T-Mobile retail stores and online at
http://www.t-mobile.com. For more information, please visit http://www.nokiausa.com or http://www.t-mobile.com.

The Nokia Bluetooth Headset BH-216 will be available in the third quarter of 2009 for 39.99 USD, and the Nokia Speakerphone HF-510 will be available in the coming months for 99.95 USD at http://www.nokia.com.

* For the Nokia E71x, pay 149.99 USD and after mail-in rebate, receive 50.00 USD AT&T promotion card. A two-year service agreement is also required. AT&T promotion card valid wherever major credit cards are accepted and for 120 days after issue date. May be used to pay wireless bill. Not redeemable for cash and cannot be used for cash withdrawal at ATMs or at automated gas pumps.

About Nokia
Nokia is the world’s number one manufacturer of mobile devices by market share and a leader in the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of devices for all major consumer segments and offer Internet services that enable people to experience music, maps, media, messaging and games. We also provide comprehensive digital map information through NAVTEQ and equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks.

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Nokia and China PTAC further strengthen strategic cooperation

Beijing, China – Nokia has renewed its strategic partnership agreement with China PTAC Communication Service Co., Ltd. (China PTAC). Mr. Colin Giles, President of Nokia China and Senior Vice President, Greater China, Japan and Korea Sales Unit, and Mr. Tan Xinhui, Chairman of China PTAC Communication Service Co., Ltd., signed the agreement on behalf of the two parties. China PTAC is expected to purchase mobile devices valued at more than USD 1.76 billion from Nokia in 2009. In addition, both parties have agreed to expand strategic ties especially with regard to 3G and operator business.

Nokia, the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturer, and China PTAC, China’s largest mobile phone distributor, enjoy a long-standing partnership that continues to strengthen. This new partnership agreement marks another significant milestone for both parties.

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Nokia releases a new software update for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Update includes a wide range of new features and improvements

Espoo, Finland – Nokia has announced a software update to the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic to further improve the performance and add new functionalities to the device. The software update is immediately available for download on Nokia Software Update website (http://www.nokia.com/softwareupdate) free of charge (data charges may apply).

Improvements in the new software version include faster data download from Internet, improved e-mail experience, better search experience with in-device search. Many additional features are also included in the software update:

– Faster user interface and faster download times
– New camcorder features: second camera support for still image capture in addition to video calls, burst mode that allows people to take multiple pictures one after another without needing to repress the picture taking button
– Mobile Dictionary: built-in dictionary functionality with voice playback of words utilizing text-to-speech technology, support for 38 languages
– Application Update: with Application Update people can check for available updates for applications and update them directly in the device. Applications can also be kept up-to-date by setting the checking to automatic.

„The update includes great improvements in the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. As mobile devices become more and more advanced, additional features and new functionalities are easy to install to the existing device. We recommend people to take advantage of the new features and upgrade their Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, and get more from their existing device,” said Soren Petersen, Senior Vice President, Devices, Nokia.

Nokia regularly releases firmware updates for many device models and improves the overall experience by adding new functionality and improving performance.

About Nokia
Nokia is the world’s number one manufacturer of mobile devices by market share and a leader in the converging Internet and communications industries. We make a wide range of devices for all major consumer segments and offer Internet services that enable people to experience music, maps, media, messaging and games. We also provide comprehensive digital map information through NAVTEQ and equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks.

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